The Hidden Curriculum

The day began with a new innovative language speaking programme. We inaugurated our Phonetics Open lab today. From now on students from other departments can come and learn to pronounce English words in the British-English accent. This is really helpful for the students in becoming fluent in English. 

Today in our philosophy class, our teacher while teaching came upon the subject of adolescent and asked whether we fell into the category? Our answers were ambiguous, while some hands were put up to say that we had passed  adolescent stage. Everyone agreed since people in the age group of 12-19 were considered to be adolescents. 

But that cannot be applied to Indians. For us adolescent stage is till almost 30 years of age. Because even if we pass our 20's, we don't have the necessary financial or social privileges. We depend on our parents and so until we become socially independent we are similar to adolescents and not adults.  Earlier perceptions of when adulthood begins have significantly changed because of young people continuing further education. 

Our psychology teacher introduced a new concept - Hidden curriculum. What is hidden curriculum? Teachers do more than teach the curriculum. They socialize us by showing us how to behave in society . This is how  pre-existing and dominant norms and behaviour get reinforced in the minds of children.

The whole college is preparing for the NCTE visit. All departments are responsible for maintaining their classrooms and we too are in a run for re-decorating and cleaning our classrooms. 

                                 Pavangalude Shobhana💓 


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